Event Alert: New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter to discuss digital identity

By Andrew Gibson
Photo used with permission
from Brian Stelter
Journalism professors often say running a successful blog can lead to a full-time reporting job. ONA Mizzou and the Mizzou Business Journalism Association are bringing living proof to campus.

Join us as New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter shares how he turned his blog TVNewser, a hub for news about TV journalism, into a full-time job at the paper right after graduating from college. Featured in the True/False documentary “Page One: Inside The New York Times,” Stelter will give tips on maximizing digital identity to impress future employers.

7 p.m., Nov. 5

Fisher Auditorium (88 Gannett Hall)

Free and open to the public

Five takeaways from ONA 2013 for students

By Elise Schmelzer
The student newsroom at ONA13.
Photo courtesy of Laura Davison.
For some, this weekend was filled with tailgating and college football. Others spent the weekend in Atlanta learning about the future of digital journalism at the Online News Association's annual conference.

Laura Davison, an MU graduate student and former secretary of ONA Mizzou, was selected to work in the conference's student newsroom. Along with 19 other students, she spent the weekend recording the conference through blog posts, tweets and videos. From what they've collected, here are five ideas from the conference that students can apply to their own work.

NewsZou: A new student-produced site on trends and tools for journalists

By Hannah Schmidt
Photo credit: NewsZou.com
Journalism assistant professor and interactive director of KOMU-TV Annie Hammock has created NewsZou, a website to discuss digital tools and trends in the journalism industry. 

She started the site for her radio-television journalism course, Advanced Internet Applications, to teach students about blogging.

"The process gives students a chance to dive into the digital journalism industry to learn about trends and tools while they're practicing blogging," Hammock said.

5 questions to ask before applying for journalism internships

By Bridgit Bowden
Photo credit: photologue_np/Flickr
It's time to start thinking about summer internships. Starting the process can be overwhelming, but planning ahead can help you breeze through your applications.

Last year, I applied to more than 10 internships. For me, the process was stressful because I didn't think through all the details before sending applications. If I had planned more, I would have been able to narrow my options, spend more time on each application and manage my stress.  It's important to know what you're looking for in an internship before you go through the often time-consuming process of applying.      

Here are five questions to ask before you start sending your resume left and right. Hopefully, it'll make the process easier.